Thursday, May 21, 2015

Apple Could Discontinue 16GB iPhone Models In The Future

With the introduction of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, Apple did away with the 32GB model and introduced a 128GB model. This meant that users could only choose between 16GB models, 64GB models, and 128GB models. Now anyone who has ever used an iPhone knows that 16GB won’t get you very far, which is why it isn’t surprising that Apple might want to discontinue that model in the future as well.
This is according to a report from Trendforce (via G 4 Games) who revealed that there is a possibility that Apple might do away with the 16GB model for future iPhones. In its place it seems that Apple could be bringing back the 32GB model which will act as the entry-level model for would-be iPhone customers. It is unclear if the price will remain the same but either way we suppose this is good news for iPhone customers.
The report from Trendforce also claims that the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will feature 2GB of RAM. This is something that Apple’s competitors have been teasing the company about. As it stands Apple’s iPhones feature 1GB of RAM, versus its Android competitors where you have some models that go up to 4GB of RAM.
Trendforce is also claiming that we can look forward to Force Touch being introduced with the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, a rumor that we’ve heard about before, and also that the LED display will be made slightly thinner which should also result in an iPhone that could be thinner and lighter than before. Take it with a grain of salt for now, but so far it seems like the iPhone 6s/6s Plus is shaping up to be an exciting device.

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